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At Rex Level Fitness we create a fully customized training plan to help you build valuable habits that will help you continue on your road to success even after your plan has ended. By focusing on the mindset and intentions we set for ourselves in the beginning, we learn how to focus on our goal and keep working for what we want.




Fitness is all about changing your mindset and falling in love with moving. As we move and start to become a healthier version of ourselves, we begin to feel strong and confident! We start looking at exercise as a gift instead of a punishment or burden leading us to crave it more everyday! 

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We believe in starting with small sustainable changes and building on them over time using the 80/20 rule. We accept that we are all human and should never let exercise be a punishment for indulging or ever feel like you have to “earn your food.” Food is the fuel that keeps us alive and moving onto the next beautiful day! 

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Sarah Rexwinkle


M.S. Exercise Science

I’m Sarah, a certified personal trainer, dog/cat mom, wife, and entrepreneur. I have graduated with my B.S. and M.S. in Exercise Science. Throughout my college career I have had the privilege to work with many different age groups and specialties (youth, college, pro athletes, military personal, elderly individuals) all of which have enhanced my knowledge and understanding in many aspects of the fitness field!


​​My fitness journey began with having tried every fad diet you can think of believing that this would be the one to finally make me skinny, or lose the weight around my stomach, all while dealing with body dysmorphia every time I looked in the mirror (if I looked in the mirror). It took me healing my mind and realizing this lifestyle was not going to cut it so I began meditating, weight training, and enjoying the foods I wanted without guilt! 


After building this lifestyle, I realized I wanted to help others feel this way too! That is why my program is built with YOU in mind and fully customized to YOU. Want to build muscle? Perfect! Only have 15 minutes a day? I got you! Together we will get you to the goal you want to achieve and find helpful ways to keep you on that path to a healthier, more confident YOU! 

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Let's Do This!

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